With increasing frequency I am faced with the patient who 1) has active cancer 2) is in remission, or 3) perceives a high risk for cancer due to family history and other risk factors. This patient is the one who is losing their marriage from a lack of a sex drive or the one who has severe osteoporosis and can not take standard therapies. This is the patient who goes from doctor to doctor on a quest for a better quality of life: better energy, better sleep, better sex drive and better mood. This is the one who believes that life does not end with cancer and is searching to get his/her life back. Everybody knows this patient.
When faced with this patient, the first question that we have to ask ourselves is what causes cancer ? Is it hormone restoration or hormone imbalance? Is it nutrient restoration or nutrient imbalance? Toxins?
Mental stress? Physical stress? Family genetics?
A few facts to consider are:
1) Most women who get breast cancer are NOT on hormones, most men who get prostate cancer are NOT on testosterone. So, there are other more important contributors.
2) Genetics accounts for 15% of all breast cancers and less than 10% of all prostate cancers, the rest are accounted for imbalances in hormones and nutrients, the presence of toxins and stressors in the mind and body.
3) Cancer cells develop in the body on a regular basis. An optimally functioning immune system will detect these cells and destroy them.
4) With a compromised immune system, it takes 10-20 years for a cancer cell to grow to detection
limits. The good news is that we actually have an opportunity to detect imbalances that are creating immune deficiencies and correct them.
5) When we achieve better energy, mood and sleep we are correcting the immune system. For example, just by achieving 8 hours of solid sleep, we have enhanced the recuperation of the immune system.
In this article, I will share a comprehensive approach to this patient focused on the data supporting hormone restoration as a part of restoring both quality of life and an optimal immune system. I will also touch on the 5 components that must be addressed, since hormone restoration should never stand alone.

The patient with cancer who wants hormones must understand the causes and corrections to address these imbalances by applying SaJune’s 5-point model.
Hormone corrections:
Some hormone imbalances which contribute to cancer cell proliferation are :

Basically, we don’t get cancers when our hormones are raging and balanced; cancers grow when the hormones are low and imbalanced. Most people who get cancer are NOT on hormones.41,42
Informed Consent for hormones
Every patient, male and female, is consented for hormone restoration. Full consent forms are posted at www.sajune.com.40
The highlights of the hormone consent for women include:40
1. In 2002, the WHI study reported data on over 16,000 women using oral Congugated equine estrogen (Premarin) and a progestin (Medroxyprogesterone acetate). They reported 7 more heart attacks, 8 more breast cancers, 8 more strokes, 18 more clots and 6 fewer hip fractures per 10,000 women.
2. In 2010, the French Cohort study reported data on over 80,000 women using bioidentical progesterone and transdermal estradiol. They reported no increase in breast cancer. The addition of progestins increased the risk of breast cancer 69%.
The highlights of the hormone consent for men include:40
1. Low testosterone levels are associated with increased heart attacks and prostate cancers. Side effects of excessively high testosterone levels include aggression, oily skin, hair loss, testicular shrinkage and infertility.
2. In a study of over 11,000 men, testosterone levels above 564 have been associated with a 41% lower incidence of cardiovascular mortality.
Nutrient corrections
Hormonal restoration should always be complimented with appropriate nutritional interventions. Also, nutrient deficiencies are known to cause immune compromise and increased cancer cell proliferation. Some facts to share with your patients include:
1. Methyl groups from cruciferous vegetables are needed to get rid of toxic estrogen metabolites.31,32,33
2. Deficiencies of Vitamin D34,35,
iodine36, zinc37 and selenium27 are associated with increased cancers.
3. Plant-based nutrition is associated with decreased cancer, while animal protein, such as casein from cow’s dairy, is associated with a significant increase in cancer.38
The nutritional program has three components:
1. The most important component is food, primarily based in Plantbased proteins and superfoods (such as aloe, maca, chlorella, coconut).
The intestines are where 75% of the immune system resides in the gut and mucosal associated lymphoid tissues. The symptoms of reflux, bloating, indigestion and constipation must be addressed as they indicate immune compromise.
2. Supplements should be minimal, but carefully chosen to avoid preservatives, fillers, magnesium stearate, radiation and heattreated bottles. Raw materials should be spectrophotometrically tested for contaminants.
3. Measurement of nutrient status is a must. Using Spectracell Functional Intracellular Analysis™ for micronutrient levels, I have found a consistent pattern of significant deficiencies in patients with cancer. The most common ones include zinc, selenium, magnesium, Vitamin D, glutathione and anti-oxidant function. Obviously correcting these imbalances is part of a
comprehensive program in these patients.
Addressing toxins
Toxins block the normal function hormones and also the immune system. To address toxins you should:
1. Reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields (from cell phones and computers), skin and body products with known carcinogens, processed or GMO foods, household products, pesticides, phalates from plastics and the list goes on.
2. Enhance normal elimination systems by optimizing function of intestines, liver, gall bladder, lymphatic system, kidneys and skin. Aim for three bowel movements a day.
Some facts to share with your patients:
• The intestines are where 75% of the immune system resides in the gut and mucosal associated lymphoid tissues. The symptoms of reflux, bloating, indigestion and constipation must be addressed as they indicate immune compromise.
• The liver is the organ that processes hormones and removes toxins, dumping them into the intestines. • Toxins, such as heavy metals, phalates and Bisphenol-A, block hormone function, compromise the immune system and can be measured in the urine.
• Anything you place on your skin or body is absorbed as efficienty as if you ingested it orally. So if you would not eat it, think twice about using it on your body.
• Increasing the pH of the tissues allows the body to naturally get rid of toxins. The most effective general principles include increasing hydration, oxygenation and plant intake.
Mind balance
The patient’s concious and subconcious belief that they can correct their condition is probably the strongest component in recovery and acheiving optimal health. Some thoughts to share with your patients :
• Deepak Chopra says that “Our cells are eavesdropping on our thoughts”. The new field of neurobioimmunology reports that the minute you have a thought, you produce neuropeptides. All immune cells have receptor sites for neuropeptides, which means that we directly and physically influence our immune cells through our thoughts.
• Simplifying our lives through reduced commitments and reduced nervous system stressors (such as text alerts, TV, news) is one way to direct limited rescources (nutrients and hormones) to optimizing the state of your health.
• Meditation, Tai-chi, Qi-Gong and simple breath awareness are effective methods to achieve this.
Body balance
When the body is pain-free and structurally sound, the blood, lymphatic fluids and energetic communications are optimal. A high muscle to fat ratio is associated with increased immunity.
Some facts to share with your patients:
• The recurrence rate for breast cancer is 50% lower with moderate intensity exercise four to five days a week.39
• Exercise, especially a 20-minute
power walk, detoxifies the body by increasing blood flow in the liver, the kidneys and the lymphatic system.
• If you have pain, a neuron is firing. That neuron is using magnesium, B12 and all the other nutrients at a much higher rate than baseline. So, pain must be addressed.
• If you have a physical trauma including surgical scars, it can create a block in the flow of electrical impulses through the meridians.
Most people who get cancer or recurrent cancer are not on hormone restoration; they have hormone imbalances. They also have imbalances in nutrients, toxins, mind and body. Whether or not they ever balance their hormones, it is important to optimize as many of these areas as possible and desirable by the patient.
When the women with breast cancer or the man with prostate cancer walks back into your office saying “Doctor, I have good energy. I can sleep finally. My sex drive is back. I am happy.” You can be sure that you have improved both their quality of life and their immune system by using a comprehensive approach to hormone restoration.