“Science requires a strange mating of two contradictory tendencies: a willingness to consider even the most bizarre ideas, and at the same time, a harsh skepticism, requiring hard evidence to back up every claim.”
Professor Carl Sagan, Cornell University
In this article, learn the science behind the restoration of optimal cellular function through hormones, nutrition, detoxification and balancing of the mind and body.
Medicine is founded on Intuitive Principles
•First Do No Harm – primum non nocere
•Trust the Healing Power of Nature – vis medicatrix naturae
•Discover and Treat the Cause, Not Just the Effect – tolle causam
•Treat the Whole Person – tolle totum
•The Physician is a Teacher – docere
•Prevention is the best “cure” – praevenire
Expanding the toolbox of evidence-based options
Results-10 years >10,000 patients
Weight gain
Sex drive
Cholesterol/ Diabetes
Bowel disease
Cardiac dysfunction – Underlying imbalances cause symptoms

…..and disease

Look for optimal levels not “Normal”
“Every Cell in Your Body is Eavesdropping on Your Thoughts”
-Deepak Chopra

Thoughts equal neuropeptides

Neurons fire to respond using magnesium, B-12, DHEA, cortisol. So , Mental and Physical stress deplete the body’s reserves of nutrients and hormones

1.Restorative Medicine believes the body can restore itself if all 5 areas are optimal.
2.Aim for optimal levels.
3.Mental and physical stressors deplete hormones and nutrients
Every year our organs produce less hormones
↓ Thyroid
↑ Estrone E1
↓ Testosterone ↓ DHEA
↓ melatonin
↓ Progesterone
↓ GH ↑ Insulin
↓ Estradiol E2
↓ Estriol E3 ↓Cortisol
Receptors for hormones are everywhere ! Estrogen Receptor in the Brain: Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006
Receptors for E and P and T everywhere
Estrogen Receptor in the Brain: Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006
So no wonder Hormone deficiencies contribute to:
In Women
Hot flashes | Osteoporosis |
Vaginal atrophy | Colon cancer |
Urinary incontinence | Heart disease |
Sexual dysfunction | Cognitive decline |
Sleep disturbance | Alzheimer’s |
Decreased well being | Stroke |
Depression/ mood swing | Tooth loss |
Skin atrophy | Macular degeneration |
stamina decline |
And in men
Loss sexual desire | Heart disease |
Erectile dysfunction | Osteoporosis |
Anxiety | Diabetes |
Depression | Cognitive decline |
Loss motivation | Alzheimer’s |
Loss confidence | Stroke |
Muscle loss/fat gain | Tooth loss |
Brain fog/ loss focus | Macular degeneration |
Stamina decline |
Progesterone is the first to go (mid 30’s)
•Lighter sleep
•Anxiety, panic attacks #1 reason for Prozac
•Mood swings, irritability
•Breast cysts, ovarian cysts, fibroids
•Heavier bleeding #1 Cause Hysterectomy
•Worse PMS
•Mid-abdominal weight gain
•Low sex drive, hotflashes
#1 cause of BONE LOSS
Low progesterone =increased cancer 5-10 X
•722 Women
•33 year follow-up
•Dx: infertility with luteal phase defect and Progesterone deficiency
•10 fold increase risk of death from all cancers
•5.4 fold increase of premenopausal breast cancer
•Cowan I, Gordia L. Am J Epidem 1981:114(2):209-217